Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 131-136
Introduction: Hypertension is a highly prevalent cardiovascular disease, which affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Although more than 70% of hypertensive patients are aware of the disease, only 23.49% are treated, and fewer (20%) achieve control.
Aim of the study is to evaluate the influence of hypertension on ph. of saliva, saliva flow rate and buffer capacity in individuals.
Material and methods: The subjects were categorized into the following four groups: Group 1- normal blood pressure (SBP of <140>.
Results: The DBP and SSFR were significantly higher in men than women. USSFR was almost equal in both males and females. 57.7% of analyzed subjects comprised individuals with normal blood pressure, 12.3% of these subjects took antihypertensive medication. 17.3% of all subjects included individuals taking antihypertensive medication. Statistically significant difference was not observed for hypertension or intake of antihypertensive medication and unstimulated or stimulated salivary flow rate. However, a statistically significant difference was observed for the pH of unstimulated among the four groups.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the contributory factors in maintaining the integrity of oral cavity is salivary flow rate, pH and the buffering action of the saliva. Use of anti-hypertensive medications effects pH of un-stimulated saliva which can be lead to many oral detrimental changes
Keywords: Hypertension, Salivary pH, Salivary flow, Buffering capacity.
How to cite : Krishna Prasada L, Bukhari S M U H, Effect of hypertension on salivary pH, salivary flow and buffering capacity: An in-vivo study. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2019;4(4):131-136
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