Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 83-87
Cutaneous dental sinus tract arises as a consequence of chronic periapical periodontitis induced by pulp
degeneration or necrosis. The absence of symptoms along with its unusual occurrence lead to ill-suited
treatments. So, more often than not, it is misdiagnosed at the beginning. This article presents in detail the
management of a 17-year-old patient in a good systemic health complaining of a sinus tract under his chin,
which is secondary to pulp necrosis of the mandibular central incisor. A non-surgical endodontic treatment
of this fistula was performed, which led to a successful resolution of the sinus tract, and which promoted
periapical healing of the tooth involved. The article aims at highlighting the case history, diagnosis and
management of this odontogenic cutaneous fistula.
Keywords: Apical periodontitis, Cutaneous sinus tract, Necrosis pulp, Root canal treatment.
How to cite : Hidoussi E, Misdiagnosis of dental sinus tract. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2020;5(2):83-87
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