Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 67-71
The main objective of this case study is to present an unusual maxillary first molar root canal configuration with seven root canals; three mesiobuccal, two distobuccal and two palatal canals diagnosed during treatment procedure confirmed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography. A 26-year-old man with the chief complaint of spontaneous pain in his left posterior maxilla was referred to by his general dentist. From the clinical and radiographic results, a diagnosis of apical periodontitis was made and the patient was recommended for endodontic care. The CBCT axial images of the patient showed that the palatal and distobuccal roots have a type IV and type II canal pattern of Vertucci, respectively, while the mesiobuccal root showed a type XV canal configuration of Sert and Bayirli. Canals have been successfully treated with rotary files and filled using a single-cone technique. In endodontically difficult situations, the use of CBCT imaging will promote a deeper understanding of the intricate root canal anatomy, which essentially helps the clinician to more effectively explore the root canal system and clean, shape, and obturate it.
Keywords: Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Maxillary first molar, Root canal anatomy, Seven root canals.
How to cite : Uppalapati V , Surakanti J R, Vemisetty H , Punna R , Maxillary first molar endodontic management with seven root canals diagnosed using CBCT: A case study. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2021;6(1):67-71
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Received : 10-02-2021
Accepted : 04-03-2021
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