Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 205-209
COVID-19 is a pandemic viral disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome corona virus 2(SARS -CoV-2). This pandemic has created a massive impact globally and is indeed a challenge to the mass healthcare management. Despite continuous, untiring efforts of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Health departments of various countries to curb this zoonotic disease, the propensity of the virus to spread through droplets, replicate and mutate has raised huge public health concerns. Oral cavity is an index of body’s health. Oral manifestations such as ageusia, angular chelitis, periodontal diseases, ulcers and fungal infections have been reported commonly in patients with COVID-19. These oral manifestations are valuable diagnostic criteria for the disease. Periodontal inflammation has been proved to increase the severity of the disease. Also, Periodontitis can present secondary to COVID-19 due to compromised immune system in this viral disease. Proper and adequate oral hygiene, appropriate use of corticosteroids and maintenance of glycemic control can reduce oral infections in COVID-19. Considering the increased risk of contracting the virus due to their proximity to the patients in the operating environment, oral health care providers must be aware of safety protocols and should strictly adhere to the recommendations by the regulatory authorities. This not only ensures higher safety, but also prevents the dental office from being a source of transmission for the virus. This review provides an overview on COVID-19 with an insight on its oral manifestations and a special emphasis on the safety protocols to be followed by dentists.
Keywords: COVID-19, Corona virus, Immune suppression, Oral manifestation, Diabetes mellitus, Oral hygiene, Dental practice
How to cite : Ashwath V, Lakshmi Kumari K, Gowrishankar S, Dental implications of COVID-19 - An insight. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2023;8(4):205-209
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Received : 12-11-2023
Accepted : 07-12-2023
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