Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 41-44
Oral health care is frequently cited as an area that has witnessed the radical transformations underway as a result of digital revolution. One such innovation is the Bluetooth Technology developed to jazzup dental practice. This technology offers dentists not only tailor the procedures but also to diagnose more quickly, with high degree of accuracy. Henceforth, this review emphasizes on implementation of bluetooth smart technology in various devices for quality dental practice.
Keywords: Bluetooth, Smart technology, Smart byte retainer, Cariescan
How to cite : Rao S A, Sowjanya K, Nikitha J, Shakar G R, Rathod J A, Smart Home Technology- An overview. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2017;2(2):41-44
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