Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 115-118
The curved root canals often pose utmost challenges in their endodontic management. Common mishaps in such cases are primarily related to iatrogenic errors such as ledge, fractured instruments, canal transportation, canal blockage, zip, elbow and perforation. Knowledge of dental anatomy and its variations is essential for the success of endodontic treatment more so in such difficult cases. A clinician is required to have a meticulous study of the pre-operative IOPAR and draw an insight of the morphology of coronal and radicular portions of the tooth related to its shape, form and structure before commencing treatment. This article gives a review of the literature and reports an interesting case of fractured instrument in a severely curved root canal where perhaps the complication could have been avoided if the need of a pre-operative IOPAR was duly addressed.
Keywords: Pre-curved files, Balanced force technique, Anti-curvature filing, Angle of Curvature by Schilder, Rotary safety, Bipassing, Retrieving
How to cite : Banerjee S, Sharma R, Roy P, Bypassing a broken instrument in a severely curved root canal: A case report. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2017;2(3):115-118
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