Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 62-65
Traumatic injuries are very common in both adolescence and in adults. Traumatic injuries of the permanent teeth often results in crown fracture with or without associated fracture of root. Inflammatory periapical lesion should be initially treated with conservative nonsurgical procedures.( al).
A 23 year old male patient reported to the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of AICRS with the chief complaint of broken tooth and pain in upper front teeth region. Non surgical single visit endodontic treatment done in 11 and 12. Single visit apexification in 21 with the help of Bio-dentine had also been done on same visit. In this clinical study, Bio-dentine showed promising result when used for apexification of non-vital immature tooth with open apex. Single visit endodontics proved to be effective for the management of periapical lesion.
Keywords: Traumatic injuries, Periapical lesion, Apexification, Single visit, Non surgical, Bio-dentin.
How to cite : Biswas B K, Guha C, Surgical single visit apexification with biodentine and single visit root canal treatment - A case report. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2019;4(2):62-65
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