Get Permission Chauhan, Ataide, and Fernandes: Three-dimensional printing in endodontics: A review of literature


3D printing is an additive manufacturing process which involves incremental deposition of material. This is an improvement from subtractive manufacturing procedures like CAD/CAM where an object is cut from a block of material. 1, 2

Limited option of materials and orientation requirements of CAD/CAM have led to their limited use in dentistry. 1, 2, 3 3D printing proves to be useful in cases where subtractive manufacturing is inadequate.

In the field of dentistry, one of the following techniques can be used for 3-D printing: stereolithography apparatus (SLA), fused deposition modelling (FDM), MultiJet printing (MJP), PolyJet printing, ColorJet printing (CJP), digital light processing (DLP) and selective laser sintering (SLS), also known as selective laser melting (SLM). 3, 4

SLA is most commonly used in dentistry. 4 Here, the exposure path of a UV laser is directed onto the surface of a vat of photosensitive resin. Subsequently curing starts from the bottom of the object, the layers bind together to form a solid mass. 1, 4 FDM printing has less precision than other methods. It involves deposition of layers of molten material from a filamentous nozzle and solidification within 0.1 second. 1, 3, 4 MultiJet printing and PolyJet printing take place by the spraying the polymer in very thin layers, each layer is cured after depositing onto a tray 1. CJP involves selective dispersion of binder onto layers of powder. 4 In DLP printing, a vat of photosensitive resin is exposed to a two-dimensional image; the object is printed as the base is manipulated. The resin is cured from the bottom as the platform moves up. 1, 4 SLS and SLM printers use a computer directed laser and roller, where powdered material is dispensed in layers which are then melted or sintered. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

In the 1990s, Computed Tomography (CT) was used to 3D print surgical planning models. 7, 8, 9 When the FDA approved the first CBCT for dental use in 2000, it was found that in contrast to CT voxel, where axial height is determined by slice thickness, the CBCT voxel is cubic, allowing for higher resolution and hence more accurate measurements in multiple planes. 10, 1, 11 CBCT is therefore a more precise source of data for 3D printing, and has the added advantage of reducing radiation exposure, scan time as well as cost. 12, 11

Review of Endodontic Applications

A literature search of PubMed and Scopus was done with the following terms: 3D printing, stereolithography, guided endodontic access, guided endodontic surgery, surgical guide, rapid prototyping, autotransplantation rapid prototyping. Articles were incuded if: (i) article described an application of 3D printing in endodontics, (ii) published in English. Fifty-seven articles met inclusion criteria and were utilized. Documented solutions to endodontic challenges include: guided endodontic access, applications in autotransplantation, pre-surgical planning, and for educational models.

Guided endodontic access

Pulp canal obliteration is insinuated in up to 75% of perforations during attempted location and negotiation of calcified canals.13 In these cases, canals must be located in more apical portions of progressively narrowing roots. 14, 15, 16 The risk of perforation can be reduced by producing a true path of canal access and instrumentation.

In a case series, digital impressions and CBCT scans were recorded, these were merged to form an STL (stereolithography) file showing bony architecture for teeth in cases of pulp canal obliteration in maxillary incisors. Following this, access guides were printed and used to target burs to canal spaces without creating perforations. 17 Also, case reports narrating the use of 3D printed guides to access an obliterated maxillary incisor, 18 a mandibular molar, 19 type V dens evaginatus 20 and obliterated mandibular incisors 21 establish the practicality of this approach. In ex vivo investigations of accuracy, stent guided access preparations were assessed by superimposing a post access CBCT upon a pre-operative designed access. 22, 23, 24 The mean deviation of the access cavities were found to be lower than 0.7 mm. 22 Small deviations from the intended access (0.12- 0.34 mm at the tip of the bur) and a mean angular deviation of less than 2 degrees was reported. 23, 24 These examinations demonstrate that 3D printed access guides provide an coherent and safe method for both chemo-mechanical debridement and conservation of tooth structure.


The success of this procedure is dependent on viability of periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and appropriate adaptation of the transplanted tooth to the recipient site. 25, 26 Traditionally, the donor tooth is used as a template for preparation of the recipient site, which leads to multiple adjustments to the alveolar bone and hence an increased extra-oral time and increased risk of damage to the PDL. 25, 26, 27, 28 Therefore, attempts have been made to improve outcomes of autotransplantation. In two studies Computer Aided Rapid Prototyping (CARP) was used to print replicas of teeth and manipulation of the recipient bone sites was completed prior to extraction of the donor teeth. 29, 30 A number of case reports, clinical studies and in vitro studies provide evidence that preoperative CARP of transplant teeth decreases extra-oral time and improves outcomes. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 In a case report, the autotransplantation of immature premolars in a maxillary incisor avulsion case using a completely digital workflow has been described. 28 Here CAD was used to select the appropriate donor teeth. Prototype teeth were modified to accommodate the dimensions of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath and to minimize damage to the apical papilla. Osteotomy guides were created using the CAD software and this led to more accuracy and efficiency in the surgical procedure. In a case report, CAD was used to print surgical instruments customized for the transplanted tooth, achieving an apical deviation of less than 1mm from the planned final tooth position in a human mandible. 45 A systematic review has reported an overall success rate of 80-91% when rapid prototyping was used, leading to a reduction in extra-oral time to less than one minute in some cases. 26

Surgical guides

In clinical scenarios it is difficult to gauge the right orientation, angulation and depth. Due to advancements in magnification, equipment and materials, endodontic microsurgery (EMS) has been accepted as a predictable procedure,50, 51, 52 also targeted osteotomy and root end resection is a pre-requisite for EMS. Osteotomy diameter can be as small as 3 mm, which has been correlated with shorter healing time, decreased postoperative pain, and improved outcomes. 50, 53 Clinicians often find it difficult to carry out procedures in posterior molar area or if important anatomic structures are close to the root end. 3D printed stents can reduce the risk by avoiding invasion of neurovascular structures.

It has been reported that guides designed from CBCT produced more accurate osteotomies than the traditional free-hand technique in an in vitro model. 54 Case reports have described the use of a 3D printed guide for traditional root-end surgery, 55 as well as for designing a stent defining the upper and lower margins of the osteotomy, as well as the root resection site and angulation, resulting in increased clinical efficiency and precision, minimizing risk of sinus perforation. 56 Use of a 3D printed custom tissue retractor to enhance visualization and soft tissue handling during EMS on a maxillary incisor has also been described. 57

Table 1

Endodontic Application

Teeth/ material studied


Type of study

3D printer

Guided Endodontic Access

Not stated

Van der Meer WJ et al. 2016 17

Case series

Not stated

Guided Endodontic Access

Maxillary incisor

Krastl G et al. 2016 18

Case report


Guided Endodontic Access

Mandibular molar

Shi X et al. 2017 19

Case report


Guided Endodontic Access

Type V dens evaginatus

Mena-Alvarez J et al. 2017 20

Case report


Guided Endodontic Access

Mandibular incisors

Connert T et al. 2018 21

Case report


Guided Endodontic Access

48 extracted Teeth (undisclosed)

Buchgreitz J et al. 2016 22

Ex vivo study

Not stated

Guided Endodontic Access

60 single Rooted human teeth

Zehnder MS et al. 2016 23

Ex vivo study


Guided Endodontic Access

60 mandibular anterior teeth

Connert T et al. 2017 24

Ex vivo study


Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular third molar

Lee S-J et al. 2001 29

Case series

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Third molars

Lee S-J et al. 2012 30

Case series

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Immature premolar

Keightley A et al. 2010 31

Case report


Tooth autotransplantation

Right Mandibular Third molar

Honda M et al. 2010 32

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Maxillary left Second premolar

Pang NS et al. 2010 33

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Premolar and Third molar

Shahbazian M et al. 2010 34



Tooth autotransplantation


Shahbazian M et al. 2012 35

Case report


Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular Right third molar

Park Y-S et al. 2012 36

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular Second premolar

Park Y-S et al. 2013 37

Case Report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Immature Third molars

Jang J-H et al. 2013 39

Case series

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation


Lee Y et al. 2014 40

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Third molar

Park J-M et al. 2014 41

Case report


Tooth autotransplantation

Maxillary left Central incisor

Vandekar M et al. 2015 42

Case report


Tooth autotransplantation

Maxillary Right second premolar

Van der Meer WJ et al. 2016 43

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular premolars

Khalil W et al. 2016 44

In vitro study


Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular Left canine

Anssari Moin D et al. 2016 45

Ex vivo

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Mandibular Incisors, canines, premolars

Anssari Moin D et al. 2017 46

Ex vivo

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Maxillary Second premolar

Cousley RRJ et al. 2017 47

Case report


Tooth autotransplantation

Maxillary Right canine

Kim MS et al. 2017 48

Case report

Not stated

Tooth autotransplantation

Third molar

Verweij JP et al.2017 49

Systematic review

Not stated

Guided EMS

All mandibular teeth

Pinsky HM et al. 2007 54


Not stated

Guided apicoectoectomy

Mandibular Right premolar

Liu Y et al. 2014 55

Case report


Surgical guides

Maxillary central incisor

Strbac GD et al. 2016 56

Case report


EMS soft tissue retraction

Maxillary left central incisor

Patel S et al. 2017 57

Case report

Not stated

Simulation exercises

Right Maxillary central incisor

Kfir A et al. 2013 58

Case report


Pre-treatment simulation

Mandibular second molar and paramolar

Kato H et al. 2015 59

Case report


Research simulation

Mandibular Molar replicas

Marending M et al. 2016 60


Not stated

Research simulation

Replicas of teeth extracted for orthodontic, periodontic or prosthetic reasons

Robberecht L et al. 2017 61



Research simulation

Replicas of mandibular molars

Ordinola-Zapata R et al. 2014 62



Research simulation

Mandibular Second premolar

Eken R et al. 2016 63



Research simulation

Resin models of maxillary central incisors

Yahata Y et al. 2017 64



Research simulation

Replicas of mandibular molars

Gok T et al. 2017 65



Research simulation

Sheets of Photopolymer material

Mohmmed SA et al. 2017 66

In vitro


Educational models and clinical simulation

Most dental educational institutes use extracted teeth, human cadavers, or commercially available resin teeth for preclinical exercises.67, 68 Though extracted teeth can provide a clinical simulation close to reality, but it is difficult to find teeth with the required properties and disinfection, storage etc. can change the properties. Commercially available resin teeth are an alternative to the natural dentition but can be expensive.

Tooth prototypes can be used for simulation exercises and have multiple benefits over extracted teeth. 58, 69, 59, 60, 61. Earlier CT slices and starch were used to reconstruct exigent clinical cases such as extracanal invasive resorption70 and a molar with three distal roots.71 In a case report clear tooth replica was used to simulate ideal access, instrumentation and obturation preoperatively in a complex type 3 dens invaginatus scenario, before treating the clinical case.58 In an evaluation of dental student file preferences, commercially available 3D printed molar replicas (RepliDens, Zurich, Switzerland) were used to avoid variance in initial canal configuration 60. A porous, radiopaque hydroxyapatite-based matrix with hardness similar to dentin to print ceramic models for endodontic lab exercises has been developed. 61

3D printing can be used to manufacture a large number of identical prototypes and hence can be utilized in pre-clinical research. Variables like the shaping ability62 and stress values63 of different rotary file systems, centering ability of access preparations64 and different obturation techniques for C-shaped canals65 have been investigated with uniformly controlled canal configurations. Growth of Enterococcus faecalis biofilms on SLA materials comparable to dentin has been demonstrated and subsequently this was applied in vitro model to evaluate irrigation techniques.66


The literature on use of Three-dimensional printing in Endodontics is limited to case reports and pre-clinical studies. Also, acquiring technical expertise within endodontic practices is an obstacle to its widespread use. Hence, consideration should be given to include 3D printing within the curriculum. More studies need to be done at a larger scale with long term follow ups which will help endodontists in making informed decisions regarding the use of this technique in clinical practice.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no potential conflicts of interest with respect to research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Source of Funding




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Received : 17-09-2021

Accepted : 23-11-2021

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